Episode 16 - Charles Gehr

This week we have conversation with Charles Gehr, the new owner of Gary Anderson Custom Rods. Charles and others have been involved in an effort to eliminate retention of wild winter steelhead on the rivers of southern Oregon, in order to maintain the health of that population.

Details of the history of the effort can be found here-

Based in the information above, listeners can help in two ways-
1- Write a letter outlining your concerns of the importance of reliable date, and your support for the elimination fo wild fish, and send it to NFS Conservation Director Jennifer Fairbrother at mailto:jennifer@nativefishsociety.org

2- THE BIGGY- If you can possibly make it, join Charles and Native Fish Society in attending the meeting this Friday at ODFW Headquarters in Salem. Send Jennifer Fairbrother an email - mailto:jennifer@nativefishsociety.org - and let her know that you’ll attend and have a three minute message to deliver in public testimony (yeah, I know, hardly anyone likes public speaking, but you’ll rock it, and be in good company).

Steelhead are not robust in any of their range in the PNW. Please do what you can to argue for the use of good science in protecting those we have left.

Richard Harrington

Artist living in Oregon.