On this episode I'm speaking with Terry Antoniuk. We chat about growing up around the world, the importance of cultural exchange in English pubs, becoming a biologist, aquatic landscape ecology, "discovering" steelhead, rods and lines, road tripping, and one Mr. Kruk.
Episode 89 - Joey Mara
Today I’m chatting with Joseph Mara, of Waist Deep Media, and talk about the project he’s been working on “A Steelhead Story - The Legacy of Bill McMillan.” Along the way we also discus his first winter steelhead, being an older brother, the trials of dodgy internet, questionable dog behavior, and a dark TikTok hole.
A Steelhead Story - The Legacy of Bill McMillan comes out on Februrary 15th and can be found here
You can check out the trailer now!
Episode 88 - Brian Johnson
This week I'm talking with Brian Johnson, president of California Trout Unlimited and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation. We talk about growing up around the mighty cliffs of Iowa, dam removal and power companies, working togethor with tribal nations, the formation of Klamath River Renewal Corportain, beer talk, lowering your effectiveness but not your fun, and a place where everybody knows your name.
Episode 87 - John Larison
This week I'm speaking with John Larison, author of "Holding Lies" and most recently "Whiskey When We're Dry." We chat about his start as a mud puddle angler, questioning Euro-nymphing, New York waters, tequila, Ted Leeson, writing, trying to be like water, and the questioniable choice to method act in the TSA line.
You can learn more about "Whiskey When We're Dry" and John's other books at johnlarison.com
Episode 86 - Celebrating Frank Moore
This week we have a very special episode for you to celebrate the life of Frank Moore. I'm joined by Becky McRae, Karl Konecny, Dean Finnerty, Dale Greenley, and Jeffery Dose. We talk about meeting Frank, be it on the river, at a faire, or in the scouts, botany with Jeanne, wading upstream, "pick-pocketing," and so many other fantastic stories. If you would like to support some of the causes that Frank and Jeanne Moore have, look to: northumpqua.org, steamboaters.org, or glidewildflowershow.org
Episode 85 - Daniel Ritz
We're talking with Daniel Ritz on this week's show. We talk about his series, "Point of Engagement," on Swing the fly, Boise's surfing scene, the Now or Never campaign, rods, great steelhead writing, blogging vs. vlogging, and horses.
Episode 84 -Gary Anderson and Al Perryman
I'm joined by a dynamic duo this week, Al Perryman and Gary Anderson. We talk about 50 years of friendship, their entrance to spey, Alaska, football rod wrapping, jet boats, the start of trout spey, more boats of course, beverages, cars, fly tying, and chinook.
As this was the first in person recording in quite some time there was of course an issue, the River Rambler can't be trusted on his own. The first seven minutes, one of the mics was off and our host is hard to hear. Hang in there and it will be solved.
Episode 83 - David Flaherty
This week I'm talking to my friend David Flaherty. We talk about his path to being a late fishing bloomer and multiple fly fishing rabbit holes, the importance of repetition, the dark act of casturbation, reeling like a gentleman, volunteering and the Mayfly Project, and cat-lateral damage.
Episode 82 - Marty Howard
Today we'll be visiting with my friend Marty Howard. We go over how he grew up fishing, fly tying, Ward's Wooly Worm, fly vanity, graphite and bamboo rods, trout fishing, long lines, being in the moment, the next generation of steel headers, and so much more.
Episode 81 - Southern Oregon Women on the Fly
This week I got a chance to speak Tabbitha Bruce, Shã Orton, and Megan Samuelson, of Oregon Women on the Fly. We had a fantastic time chatting about how they all started, the fun and frustrations in learning, hrmpfing nymphing, SOWotF getting through COVID, fly tying, the visual medium of podcasting, the makings of a great snackle box, the incredible community of spey fishing, and just a little shoot talking.