This week you get to listen in as I talk to Matt Zinkgraf. We discuss fishing for blue gill as a kid, researching trees(Treesearch for those in the know), a love for creating including his first rod, the adaptability of the mini-lathe, the merging of scientific fields, reel design, the constant desire for more boats, and reel-con 2022.
Episode 59 - Jeff Mishler
This week I'm having a chat with Jeff Mishler, of We go over how he got hooked, pun intended, on fly fishing, studying steelhead in Kamchatka, steelheads' adaptability, Skagit Master and working on the number 5, friendly fish giving back to the angler, the league of fishing voters, and trying to swing a fly on the ocean.
Episode 58 - Kevin Hospodar
This week I'm joined by my friend Kevin Hospodar. We had a fantastic chat about his young start to fishing, how to work in fish, how to get in trouble, tying flies, being a reel connoisseur, adventuring with the kids, a love for Sage Brush bags, conservation, kids' soccer, and the dark reality of time travel. So you know, just about everything.
Episode 57 - Tracy Allen
On this week's episode I got to have an amazing chat with Tracy Allen. We talked about how he started fishing, guiding, how he jumped into spey, building boats, the four facets of fishing, the state of steelhead, the Clearwater and The Red Shed, more boats, a united voice in conservation, the confusing world of spey tackle, and we touch on boats too.
Episode 56 - Gian Lawrence
This week I got to have a great talk with Gian Lawrence. He discussed how he started fly fishing, his love for cooking, making a movie, inspecting ships, sea run cutthroat, fishing with kids, the struggles of casting with an audience, and the convenience of river-side restaurants.
Episode 55 - Kirk Blaine
Today I'm talk with Kirk Blaine of Native Fish Society all about the draft for the Rogue's South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan. We discuss how it got started back in 2018, data and monitoring issues in previous drafts, concerns with the current draft, the upcoming meeting on 15th, and how easy it will be to testify online. I encourage you to register to testify before the 12th and go to for even more information.
Rogue South Coast Conservation Management Plan
Episode 54 - Bill Bakke and Dave Moskowitz
This week I got to sit down and talk with Bill Bakke and Dave Moskowitz. We had a really great talk about how Bill got started fishing, the need for a coast wide conservation voice, the impressive success of wild chinook on the Clackamas, the state of activism, the ecosystem of politics, so much more and we even enjoy some live music.
Episode 52 - David Reid
This week I'm joined by David Reid. We got to talking about his initial slow start to fishing, a love of surfing, grandparents, how he started rod building, tapers, bamboo, and a strange lack of ocean in Idaho.
Episode 53 - Conrad Gowell
Conrad Gowell is joining me this week and we had an excellent talk. We discussed DIY flys, the massive ecological effect of dams, woodcuts, snorkeling, the language of fishing culture, fish trap systems, and reasonable demands of Santa.
Episode 51 - Peter Donahower and Tracy Buckner
This week I got the chance to speak with Peter Donahower and Tracy Buckner. We had a blast going over how they each started fishing, working in a hatchery, art and influences, the moral dilemma of steel heading, working for native fish society, hunting, and Valerie.