Episode 55 - Kirk Blaine

Today I'm talk with Kirk Blaine of Native Fish Society all about the draft for the Rogue's South Coast Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan. We discuss how it got started back in 2018, data and monitoring issues in previous drafts, concerns with the current draft, the upcoming meeting on 15th, and how easy it will be to testify online. I encourage you to register to testify before the 12th and go to NativeFishSociety.org for even more information.

Rogue South Coast Conservation Management Plan

Sign up to testify to the commission

Prepare for testifying

Episode 54 - Bill Bakke and Dave Moskowitz

This week I got to sit down and talk with Bill Bakke and Dave Moskowitz. We had a really great talk about how Bill got started fishing, the need for a coast wide conservation voice, the impressive success of wild chinook on the Clackamas, the state of activism, the ecosystem of politics, so much more and we even enjoy some live music.

Episode 50 - Jeff Hickman and John Hazel

This week I'm joined by John Hazel, of Deschutes Angler, and Jeff Hickman, of Fish the Swing. We get right into it about the massive temperature changes on the Deschutes since the installation of the mixing tower, the ecological effects that has had, the importance of the deschutes for the rest of the Columbia, the Deschutes River Alliance and how you can help, and rice pilaf. You can help by going to DeshutesRiverAlliance.org or get in contact at SarahCloud@deschutesriveralliance.org

Episode 48 - Kirsten Kinsman

This week I'm joined by Kirsten Kinsman for our first in person recording in over a year. We discussed her first time fishing, discovering steelhead and her first solo one, learning to row, trout fishing, the condensed time of COVID, and being outfished by children. As this is our first episode back in-person, we of course had some audio issues, please excuse the somewhat quieter sound while we work out the kinks of social interactions.