This week I'm joined by Jake and Jesse Dodd. We got to talking about how they both started fishing, switching to spey, making dreams come true at Simms, being trout spoiled, a plague of party barges, and the most dangerous game......mushrooms.
Episode 39 - Rick Kustich
This week I'm talking with Rick Kustich. We discussed Montana fishing trips with his brother, Great Lakes fly fishing, his many books, Muskie fishing, the fun of shorter rods, the creative process, and bears and BC.
Episode 38 - Brian Silvey
I got a chance to talk with Brian Silvey for this week's show and we had a great talk. We discussed his early start to fly tying, guiding, designing rods and developing lines, fly preferences, boats, and some fun steelhead stories.
Episode 37 - John Shewey
This week I'm joined by John Shewey, Editor in Chief of American Fly Fishing. We had a great discussion about just about everything, including his first fly, chukar hunting, the importance of public lands, diversifying your work, the morality of fishing, the mysteries of hummingbirds, and how to kill a book.
Episode 36 - Steven Bird
It's a new year and The River Rambler is back at it. I'm joined by Steven Bird this time around and we got to talking about The Soft Hackle Journal, DIY leaders, fishing with his Grandfather, the issue with hero shots, and being the "Bad-Boy" of fishing in the third grade.
Episode 35 - Bob Clay
I'm joined by Bob Clay of River Watch Rod's this week. We had a great time discussing his introduction to steelhead, building a house, building rods, fishing and family, and the fun of bamboo.
Epidsode 34 - James Millard
This week I'm joined by James Millard to about OPST, how he started fishing, knee replacements, the difficulties of fishing and filming, and the powerful potential of fly fishing on TikTok.
Episode 33 - Dave Stewart
I got a chance to speak with Dave Stewart, of the Wet Fly Swing podcast. We discussed the popularity of nymphing, 2020, dories and drift boats, and the sacred art of podcasting.
Episode 32 - Jeff Kennedy
This week I got to talk with my friend Jeff Kennedy. We covered just about everything you can think of including, drawing flies, drift boats, gymnastics, studying art, and the effectiveness of visual aids in an audio format.
Episode 31 - Nick Pionessa
I got talk to Nick Pionessa for this weeks show. We talked about the moment he learned he wanted to fly fish, isolation versus the internet in fishing's evolution, winters in New York, fly tying, and the joys of being your own boss.